Nepal's official .np Domain Registration

About documents for registration

For official request

  1. Enter the required domain and click on "Search" button for availability.
  2. If the domain is available for registration. Click on "Register Now" for the further process. And if not then search again for the available domain name.
  3. In the login page enter the email and you desired password for registration.
  4. Fill up the following details and click to "Create Accounts"
  5. Check your email for verification
  6. Sign in with your new account, fill the form with the details and attach the required documents. We accept jpg,png,jpeg,gif,svg file extentions with maximum of 800 kilobytes.
  7. Wait for the approval

NOTE:- A company/organization can only select domain names based on the company/organization's name, product's name, service's name and brand name. Required documents for .NP registration

  1. In case of local entities -
    • certificate of registration of company/firm/partnership/organization.
  2. In case of foreign entities registered in Nepal -
    • certificate of registration of branch or liaison office or
    • certificate of affiliation with Social Welfare Council.
  3. In case of non-incorporated entities doing business in Nepal such as Permanent Establishments or Non-incorporated Joint Venture Entities - PAN registration certificate.
  4. In case of any entities (local or foreign) having business interests in Nepal -
    • certificate of trademark registration in Nepal or
    • official filing receipt of trademark application issued by the Department of Industry (to be supported with actual trademark registration certificate within 3 years of domain registration)

For personal request

Same as above.

NOTE:- A personal domain name should be based only on applicant’s name as mentioned in below documents:-

  1. Nepalese citizenship or passport or driving license or voter's card or
  2. Non-Resident-Nepalese ID Card or
  3. Nepalese resident visa for foreign nationals